In these troubled times when there is migration around the globe and difficult decisions lie ahead for the leaders of the land, many people like to explore parts of the world that are out of the norm in order to seek tranquillity, unification and enrichment.

A few months ago we decided that we wanted to take our kids on a 10 day holiday in order to spend quality time together, refresh the mind and soak up new surroundings. I gladly took on this task being the matriarch of the family and understanding that everybody’s needs and wants have to be catered for. After some soul searching on where to go I took out the map of the world and a pair of compasses.

I drew a circle around our home base with a circumference of a flying time within 8 hours. After having done this simple yet effective exercise, I came to realize that there aren’t actually many places in the world that I would consider taking our young family to at this point in time. It is the blatant fact that although the world is our oyster, a genuine pearl is not easy to find.

Regardless of how nice a cruise in the Mediterranean sounds, I couldn’t help but have images in my head of masses of migrants and a multitude of boats drifting in the sea. So maybe East Africa was the answer but the elections in Tanzania, attacks in Kenya and the thought of Boko Haram scared me away from that option too. West Africa wasn’t fully recovered from the Ebola outbreak and the Middle East would still be too hot.

I was in despair; where can you travel safely with 2 young children?

When I asked myself this question over and over again I realized that this must be the exact question that our guests ask themselves before they finally decide on Zimbabwe and then even when that decision has been reached, they face numerous comments of concerned friends and relatives before they set-off on their journey.

As a country, Zimbabwe has often been painted in a bad light but when you actually think about it, Zimbabwe is one of the safest and globally undisturbed places to travel.

Ironically the saying: “Look no further than home” is not far from the truth for those living in Zimbabwe. Wherever you have your heart set on you will find it eventually, even if it means exploring new pastures only to return to the place you left behind and embracing it.

December is a month of travel and to be close to those who are dear to you. Sometimes you don’t need to go far to find that inner peace and happiness but as we all like to escape from our daily lives and known surroundings, the little explorer awakens in us and the migration starts to find that special pearl.

We from Vayeni wish everybody a wonderful festive season with family, friends and those who are dear to you.

See more about Zimbabwe here.

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